Not Myself Today® has helped dozens of companies and organizations of all sizes and from all industries across Canada to build mentally healthier workplaces.
Now, the European Brain Council, in partnership with the founders of the campaign, Partners for Mental Health, want to bring the initiative to Europe and work for the same achievements here.
Exactly like the Canadian campaign, we offer proven, practical ways to get employees talking about mental illness and learning how to support those affected by it, adapted for the European workplace.
We aim to have the campaign available in as many European languages possible in the near future, and continue to be open to collaboration with organizations willing to champion the vital work in mental health within the workplace.
See below testimonials from partner companies in Canada (and Europe):
ArcelorMittal Dofasco shares how interactive and easy it is to use Not Myself Today to engage everyone around mental health.
KPMG discusses how they are using Not Myself Today to start conversations.
“As an employer, we want to send the message that we are taking the time and are interested not just in our employees’ physical safety, but also in their mental well-being. We are convinced that the Not Myself Today campaign is critical to improving the health and wellness of our employees.”
— Paul Farrow, Senior Vice-President – People & Safety, Goldcorp Inc.
“We’ve seen changes in the way team members and leaders talk about mental health and we have been able to measure the increased use of our employee and family assistance program as evidence that people are seeking help when they need it.”
— Kerilee Snatenchuk, Director – People & Culture, ATB Financial
“The Not Myself Today campaign has been the cornerstone of our mental health initiatives, providing an easy-to-use platform and exceptional resources for both our members and leaders.”
— Mallory Swan, Manager – Human Resources, McInnes Cooper
“Not Myself Today is a natural fit with our mental health initiative, which is making great strides in promoting mental health in our workplace. Our employees are benefiting from training and resources to help them be more resilient in the face of personal and workplace challenges.”
— Sylvie Latulippe, Director, HR Policies, Programs and Risk Management, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
“The turnkey approach to the layout, branding, tools and accessibility of the Not Myself Today campaign is flawless. I’ve yet to be as singularly impressed with a body of work.”
— Claude Rochette, CPA, CMA, Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance) / Chief Financial Officer, National Defence
Generating Results
Not Myself Today is evaluated annually by an independent research team at the Propel Centre for Population Health Impact at the University of Waterloo.
reported positive response from employees
agreed that it increased employee awareness and understanding of mental health/illness
agreed that it prompted conversation and dialogue about mental health in the workplace
agreed that it increased awareness of available mental health resources
agreed that it helped to create a more supportive work environment
Source: Propel Centre for Population Health (University of Waterloo) post-campaign survey with companies who participated with 2015 Not Myself Today
What will you receive?
Participating companies receive their own comprehensive Not Myself Today toolkit, access to the members-only website, national recognition and ongoing support.
Learn More
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Simply fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.
Or, email us at info@notmyselftoday.eu.